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  • Staying Positive While Awaiting Your Destiny

Staying Positive While Awaiting Your Destiny

3 Principles To Put Into Practice

“Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting.”

― Joyce Meyer

Staying Positive While Awaiting Your Destiny

A common theme for me lately has been — ‘trust the process’.

This pertains to starting a new venture or learning a new skill.

Often times, I find myself absorbing massive amounts of information — then taking action for faster growth.

My challenge is knowing the desired outcome but realizing I am not ‘there’ yet.

Question: Have you ever been stuck in traffic?

Better yet — Have you ever been stuck in traffic and you were already late?

For most people, this is a very uncomfortable situation!

Bumper to bumper vehicles….honking horns…emotions boiling over!

You name it!

I read this quote by Joyce Meyer that I thought was relevant.

She states — "Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting."

But how?

You're running late and stuck in traffic?

Or you started a new business and have bills to pay?

Or you've learned a new skill but the mastery is taking longer than expected?

Now what?

3 Principles To Put Into Practice:

1. Practice Mindfulness and Self-Awareness

  • step back and recognize your thoughts and emotions

  • practice deep breathing

  • rehearse how you will respond next time

2. Shift Your Perspective

  • try to view waiting as an opportunity rather than a nuisance

  • consider how you can be productive while you wait

3. Develop Patience-Building Habits

  • practice patience through new hobbies or activities to build that muscle

  • set achievable goals and practice delayed gratification

  • surround yourself with patient people

Remember that keeping a good attitude while waiting is a skill that takes time and practice! More importantly — be patient with yourself and others.

Now….Go Be Great!!!


I don’t know exactly where you are on your journey, but I share words of encouragement, lessons learned, and ideas to help you grow your business.

If you find value here, please share this newsletter with a friend. Deal?

❤ Rudy

💡 TP’s Marketing Lesson

Marketing Launch Strategy

Amy shares her marketing launch strategy, which involves inviting people with big audiences to promote your product.

She also discusses how she used a pre-order strategy to launch a digital course, which converted at 48%.

🎨 TP’s Inspired AI Art

PROMPT: Woodblock printing (mokuhanga) : Autumn old tree line from gnarly and caved trees age of Methuselah, sparkling swallow puddles, with fallen leaves in them. The light filtering through the graying leaves glistens on the tiny drops of water. Vivid warm colors. One point perspective, fading. In the style of Josephine Wall and Takashi Murakami.

Autumn old tree line - Leonardo.ai

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  • Another Generational Divide: AI 🔗Read

  • Elon Musk — of egotism, genius and a different sort of AI 🔗Read 

  • AI ‘no substitute’ for fashion designers’ creativity 🔗Read

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🤖 TP’s AI Tool of the Week

Wirestock (stock photos & generator)

The easiest way to sell photos, videos, and AI art online. Upload and sell content on the world's largest marketplaces. Submit your work in a matter of seconds, no keywords and captions required.

Learn More👉 WireStock

Thank you for taking the time to read today's TechPreneur Newsletter. I hope the information was helpful and inspiring. As always, I'm here to support you in your business journey, so please don't hesitate to reach out to me on Twitter at @rudybanx Keep striving for success!

Until next time!


P.S. - share this newsletter with family and friends.