Embracing Your Unique Path

Beyond College and 9-5 Jobs

“Ambition is the path to success, persistence is the vehicle you arrive in.”

―William Eardley IV

College or No College - So What?

I see entrepreneurs downplaying the traditional college and 9-5 career paths. To me...Your path is your path. I can tell you that going the traditional route was not as bad as others make it seem.

As a college freshman, I remember my first day on the campus of Virginia Tech. Pulling up to my dorm in Dad's van loaded with my belongings, I said to myself, "You have to be your own man now." Band camp started a week before classes, so that gave me extra time to adjust. Members of the band fraternity helped me parallel park the van in a tight space and assisted me with moving in.

What a sigh of relief!

In college, I made new friends, performed at college football bowl games, and joined a local church. All while tackling engineering courses. But the most important thing that happened was meeting my now-wife, Angela.

Five years later, I graduated with a degree in electrical engineering. My first month at work: "Having a degree doesn't make you an engineer; you have to practice and prove yourself." - said my engineering director. It was a humbling blow, but he was right.

After several engineering jobs, I stepped up to management. I worked hard to prove myself as an engineer, which built my technical foundation. However, management was a different animal! GE sent me to various management classes and events to expand my knowledge.

I had to face reality fast! My success depended on the performance of my teams versus my individual efforts. I lead teams from 20 to 70+ employees. I embraced the responsibility and boy was it a journey!

I worked in corporate america for 15 years. My exposure to CEO’s, finance, leadership, compliance, growth strategies, and branding continues to benefit my business ventures today.

We all have different paths to entrepreneurship. There is no right or wrong answer. Your success in business boils down to two things: ambition and persistence!

I don’t know exactly where you are on your journey, but I share words of encouragement, lessons learned, and ideas to help you grow your business.

If you find value here, please share this newsletter with a friend. Deal?

❤ Rudy

💻 In Today’s Edition

  • TP’s Marketing Lesson

  • TP’s AI Artwork

  • TP’s Tech Trends

  • TP’s AI Tool of the Week

💡 TP’s Marketing Lesson

The Future of Digital Marketing

“I get over 100k visitors per month by people searching my name” - Neil Patel

Neil Patel discusses the future of digital marketing post-COVID and how to stay competitive. He suggest focusing on what you're naturally better at and being the best at that one thing, as well as leveraging data and facts when making decisions.

Neil also discuss the changes in how startups are raising money, the potential of monetizing voice searches, and the importance of omni-channel marketing. (i.e. Facebook, YouTube, twitter etc.)

He suggests using tools such as: Semrush, WhatRunsWhere, BuiltWith, Ahrefs, Wayback Machine, and Link Explore by Moz to gain insights into marketing strategies.

Additionally, Neil emphasizes the importance of updating and re-marketing content, translation of content into local dialects, and conversion rate optimization.

Finally, Neil encourages investing in mentorship, learning from competitors, and continually testing and learning in order to stay ahead of the competition.

(summary provided by Vidsummaries)

🎨 TP’s Music Inspired AI Art

Anthropomorphic cute and adorable charming smiling turtle wearing glasses and Chuck Taylor sneakers, pirate hat and red turban, 3d cartoon character. hyperrealism, photorealistic, beautiful detailed intricate, insanely detailed, award-winning photograph. dark background, illuminated by neon light.

“The Race is not given to the swift or strong but he who endures to the end”

💡💡 Biz Idea: POD (print on demand) - Example: Awkward Styles

📈 TP’s Tech Trends

  • G7 Leaders Call for "Responsible" Use Of AI 🔗Read

  • Cambridge Analytica on steroids’: AI change our democracy? 🔗Read

  • SWLA residents warn of scams using artificial intelligence 🔗Read 

  • Think Bigger on AI. These 8 Stocks 🔗Read

  • Today’s AI News 🔗Read

🤖 TP’s AI Tool of Week - “Character Ai”

Character.AI is a beta product that lets users collaborate with a computer to write dialogues as if they're talking to a character. It's great for sparking imagination, brainstorming, and language learning.

Access 👉 Character.ai

Thank you for taking the time to read today's TechPreneur Newsletter. I hope the information was helpful and inspiring. As always, I'm here to support you in your business journey, so please don't hesitate to reach out to me on Twitter at @rudybanx Keep striving for success!

Until next time!


P.S. - share this newsletter with family and friends.